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- Luis Miguel Campos

Luis Miguel Campos
"I was born in a village in western Nicaragua. When I was only eight, I began learning about pottery in my spare time. My parents took me to visit my uncle, Miguel Angel Calero, to learn; he is a Novica-featured artisan. <br><br>
"Today, I do what I love. I've been captivated by this work since the very first moment. I like it so much! It lets my imagination soar. This is a material that can be worked easily and it offers many creative possibilities. All you really need is the will to do things in the best way possible. But more important, all the love that you put into your work is reflected in everything you do. <br><br>
"I consider myself a friendly and enterprising man and I'll fight for what I believe in. I was still quite young when I took up this ancestral Nicaraguan craft handed down from generation to generation in my family. I seek innovation in my designs and plan to continue working hard so these ceramics can be seen in many other parts of the world. <br><br>
"So far, I feel satisfied with my work. I've been able to help my family financially for all the years. It's given me the opportunity to get ahead through a worthy job while letting me represent my culture. <br><br>
"I want to continue teaching youth in my workshop and want to organize some formal classes to share my knowledge. I'm not the most expert artisan here but I know that together we can seek new ways to work better and that's exciting. <br><br>
"It's always tough to start from nothing but there's nothing more gratifying than seeing a design come to life and watch the reactions of shoppers when they see your work. I hope to continue with this family legacy which has made me who I am today. I hope to be able to give something back to my family. I'm a fortunate man, blessed by God who has given me this wonderful ability. I hope you like my work."