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- Marice Nuñez

Marice Nuñez
"My name is Marice Nunez Rivera, a struggling and patient entrepreneur. I was born in Alajuela, Costa Rica in 1978. My childhood was quiet and fun with my three brothers and my parents, who always accompanied and guided us despite the fact that they they always worked early. They taught us to be very careful and to get ahead. My parents were always very hard-working. My mother enjoyed arts and crafts. I remember that, at Christmas, many people asked her to make wreaths and help with the decoration of their Christmas trees. She never saw this as a business, but a way to to help her friends and sisters. <br><br>
"That's where my love for art comes from. I have lots of memories of how our mother guided us on the way to school. She had many responsibilities but we had a lot of fun. I remember with great joy being very close to my cousins of the same age, so we always played and went out together. <br><br>
"I started in the art world because of my sister, who wanted to make bracelets for gifts. Suddenly I saw a future in this. My first work was a simple bracelet with Christmas charms. I set up my own workshop, where crafting jewelry relaxes me and is work that I enjoy. I learned the techniques by myself watching videos on the Internet and practicing. My mother enrolled us in classes for knitting, and this helped me a lot. <br><br>
"I always try to ensure that my materials are of good quality from a store here in Costa Rica that is reliable. When I develop a new design, I always test that it does not deteriorate. I work with stainless steel, cords, beads and thread. The length of time varies depending on the technique I use. Designs that are Boho handmade take me approximately two hours for each. I am inspired by nature, elegance, and dreams. <br><br>
"Although working alone and establishing myself as an artisan has been difficult, it generates in me an incredible commitment to continue growing."