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- SelvaTika Artisan Workshop

SelvaTika Artisan Workshop
“The work of our hands is hope for our families.”<br><br>
“SelvaTika is a group of artisans of all ages. We come from a community with few opportunities and many needs; we do not descend from families of craftsmen.
We were women and men without family heritage of this trade. We were born and grew up in Guatemala City, in a municipality severely hit by the Pandemic, surrounded and immersed in the typical socioeconomic problems of poor communities of Central America. <br><br>
“We are new artisans full of passion and love for the result of our hands. The values and principles have not deteriorated; we have persevered and fought to remain intact despite our environment. We still dream, and to make our dreams come true, now we create with our hands. What was not inherited by us, was taught to us until recently, as a new hope. A few months ago we earned our livelihood in temporary jobs, in <i>maquilas</i> (factories) or in restaurants. We are people who dedicated ourselves only to being housewives, or who were looking for work without being able to find any. <br><br>
“This art was taught to us at the beginning by Don Adrian and Lulu, and now together we teach each other. We correct ourselves and we teach the people who join the group.
Adrian and Lourdes came into our lives to help us continue on this path of life's ups and downs. With great enthusiasm and dedication, they taught us what we know today; they encouraged us and gave us a new opportunity to progress. <br><br>
“Our art is focused on the virtue of details, durability and good taste. We dream of a community that can progress by working in art. We are grateful to be chosen among so much talent in the world and to be part of this wonderful family of artisans, who, like so many, started with many goals and dreams in their hearts.”